Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Chemical Drugs or Natural remedies: The Choice is yours!

The goodness which nature has provided us with has been harnessed over the centuries to heal a vast amount of ailments. Natural medicine works by addressing the physical and emotional levels of the body in order to help reduce pain, improve health and also reduce stress and anxiety. These remedies guide the body’s self healing ability in yielding amazing results. Their tendency to strengthen the bodies’ immunity system helps in correcting imbalances in the body. This in turn fortifies the body’s natural defenses against pathogens that are responsible for primary as well as secondary infection. A strong immune system makes an individual less prone to contracting any disease in the future.

Most natural remedies are generally used for prevention but moreover they are also used at treating an ailment. Research has proven that natural medicine has relatively less or no side- effects when compared to its chemical counterparts. The underlying reason for this is that natural health medicine is generally made out of products taken from nature. Most of the medicines are produced from plant and root extracts which when consumed or applied makes it evidently clear that it is good for the body.
The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the diseaseVoltaire
Most individuals generally seek an immediate cure to any internal problem. What they fail to realize is by suppressing the symptoms of the ailment temporarily, the chances are extremely high that the virus is still active in the body and can return later which can be dangerous and at times even fatal.  
Biogetica creates its natural remedies by using the abundance which nature provides. The formula’s used in preparation of these remedies are obtained from numerous traditions such as Allopathic, Chinese Medicine, Bio-Energetic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Quantum Physics and Yogic Sciences. Biogetica harmonizes your entire being naturally, by appealing to the balancing forces of nature and removing the blocks, which prevent the most advanced pharmacy in the world, the human body from acting optimally. To give you a comprehensive understanding of the beneficial aspects that these natural remedies I have listed a few points: -
·         Research has proven that natural remedies have no side-effects: - All natural remedies are available in nature. For that reason, it is certain that these herbal remedies have absolutely no side- effects. To insure that these remedies have the greatest efficacy, Biogetica manufactures them in exceptionally hygienic laboratories. All their products are manufactured in FDA approved GMP certified labs in USA, Germany, New Zealand and India.
·         Totally free of toxins: - Toxins that are present in chemical and pharmaceutical drugs can have harsh adverse effects on the body. Biogetica’s remedies are completely herbal and hence can be safe to be consumed by any individual. The power of these herbs is also used as Laxative toxins that help the body in self purification and detoxification.
·         Eliminate Root Cause: - Natural remedies aim to harmonize the entire being thus providing long lasting healing. Their resonance homeopathic remedies balance the energetic and physiological manifestations of the five elements of the body. They remind the body of optimal and pathogenic functions, thereby coxing it to adapt and reach Homeostasis.
·         Easily Obtained: - When compared to medical drugs which require a prescription, Biogetica’s natural remedies are easily obtained and are delivered right to your door step. Their Doctor’s are available around the clock to help you obtain the greatest efficacy of these remedies.
·         Greater Efficacy:  - Research has proven that herbal remedies have much greater efficacy than chemical drugs in the long run. They can also be used for treating a variety of ailments. For example Black Cumin aids in the treatment of gout, hepatitis, migraine and even diabetes.
Would you now choose chemical drugs over natural remedies? I think not!
By combining the marvels of modern science with ancient remedies our ancestors used, Biogetica’s remedies are state of the art and will take you from disease to ease…
Choose the natural, Safe and effective approach; Choose BIOGETICA!

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