Monday, 31 December 2012

Adopt a safe and definite approach to address allergy before it gets worse!

Allergies are one of the most common health problems occurring in every part of the globe. These allergies occur as a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system of the body against any foreign substance. Allergies can prove to be life threatening and lethal in some conditions, if no allergy treatment is practised. Commonly found substances from the surrounding environment, such as the pollens, dust particles, toxins, latex, certain food products, etc are considered as the allergy causing factors for the affected individuals and are called as the allergens. These allergens are usually harmless to the body, and do not produce any adverse effect. However, in affected individuals, these allergens are considered as antigens by the body and the immune system produces the antibodies that protect the body against infections. These antibodies react against the allergens to cause a hypersensitivity reaction in the body.

Commonly, protection against the allergens and prevention of the individual from any exposure to them is the major allergy cure. Along with that, allergy remedies include various means and methods of allergy home remedies to lessen up the effect of the allergens on the body. Biogetica has come up with excellent allergy natural remedies that are capable of providing unbeatable effectiveness against allergies. The Biogetica allergy home remedies not only offers relief from the active allergy causing agents, but also assist in maintaining the immune balance in the body that might raise the probability of an allergic reaction. Natural products from Biogetica assist in a life free from such allergic conditions and the associated complications. Undoubtedly, for those who do not prefer hospital treatment services, these allergy home remedies from Biogetica are a definite answer to address the root cause successfully. These allergy remedies natural products are available for purchase online and can be used to get relieved from the allergies. You can also get all the assistance you require by contacting Biogetica Doctor’s via live chat and phone 24X7. Western medicine only suppresses the symptoms of allergies unlike natural remedies which target the root cause and thus diminishes the chance of the virus reoccurring.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Obtain relief from Lyme disease, the natural way!

Lyme disease has been known to be a common tick-borne ailment, which is generally seen in the parts of North America and European countries. This is a bacterial infection basically caused because of Borrelia burgdorferi. The deer ticks are primarily accountable for harbouring these types of micro-organisms and distribute the infection when they feed on the blood of human beings or animals. The individuals who live in an intensely wooded region or grassy areas usually tend to be contaminated with this illness because the bugs flourish over these areas. At the time when Lyme disease is widespread in a particular place, it really is of relevance to adopt certain safety measures. This ailment is required to be treated on an immediate basis in order to prevent it from spreading further.

The indications of this condition can vary from a person to another, and might affect several body functions at the same time. Most often afflicted parts are joints, skin and nervous system. The initial indicators of the ailment are noticeable in a couple of days after contamination with the micro-organisms. There will be a visible rash that is seen in a unique bull’s eye design. This rash known as  erythema  migrans is a hallmark of Lyme’s disease that can be found at a number of places over the patient’s entire body. Flu like problems, including fever, fatigue, chills, body ache and also headache might additionally occur with the advent of rash. In the eventual stages, the victim may develop further advanced difficulties like joint ache, neurological issues (meningitis, Bell’s palsy, numbness or reduced muscle motion) etc. The considerably less commonly observed signs or symptoms that could occur after few weeks of contamination are uneven heartbeats, swelling of the eye, hepatitis, intense fatigue etc. 

Biogetica offers a completely natural and unique formula designed to address the disease at its root cause and also promote the immune system of the body against the bacteria. The formula provides a Lyme disease natural remedy which is safe, secure and effective. The Lyme disease natural cures are traditionally believed to promote the immune system by introducing Lyme nosodes in the body. The Lyme disease treatment combines natural therapy with modern researches to form a unique combination. This one of a kind and ground breaking Lyme disease cure has helped millions of people gain freedom from the disease and improve their quality of life.

Chemical Drugs or Natural remedies: The Choice is yours!

The goodness which nature has provided us with has been harnessed over the centuries to heal a vast amount of ailments. Natural medicine works by addressing the physical and emotional levels of the body in order to help reduce pain, improve health and also reduce stress and anxiety. These remedies guide the body’s self healing ability in yielding amazing results. Their tendency to strengthen the bodies’ immunity system helps in correcting imbalances in the body. This in turn fortifies the body’s natural defenses against pathogens that are responsible for primary as well as secondary infection. A strong immune system makes an individual less prone to contracting any disease in the future.

Most natural remedies are generally used for prevention but moreover they are also used at treating an ailment. Research has proven that natural medicine has relatively less or no side- effects when compared to its chemical counterparts. The underlying reason for this is that natural health medicine is generally made out of products taken from nature. Most of the medicines are produced from plant and root extracts which when consumed or applied makes it evidently clear that it is good for the body.
The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the diseaseVoltaire
Most individuals generally seek an immediate cure to any internal problem. What they fail to realize is by suppressing the symptoms of the ailment temporarily, the chances are extremely high that the virus is still active in the body and can return later which can be dangerous and at times even fatal.  
Biogetica creates its natural remedies by using the abundance which nature provides. The formula’s used in preparation of these remedies are obtained from numerous traditions such as Allopathic, Chinese Medicine, Bio-Energetic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Quantum Physics and Yogic Sciences. Biogetica harmonizes your entire being naturally, by appealing to the balancing forces of nature and removing the blocks, which prevent the most advanced pharmacy in the world, the human body from acting optimally. To give you a comprehensive understanding of the beneficial aspects that these natural remedies I have listed a few points: -
·         Research has proven that natural remedies have no side-effects: - All natural remedies are available in nature. For that reason, it is certain that these herbal remedies have absolutely no side- effects. To insure that these remedies have the greatest efficacy, Biogetica manufactures them in exceptionally hygienic laboratories. All their products are manufactured in FDA approved GMP certified labs in USA, Germany, New Zealand and India.
·         Totally free of toxins: - Toxins that are present in chemical and pharmaceutical drugs can have harsh adverse effects on the body. Biogetica’s remedies are completely herbal and hence can be safe to be consumed by any individual. The power of these herbs is also used as Laxative toxins that help the body in self purification and detoxification.
·         Eliminate Root Cause: - Natural remedies aim to harmonize the entire being thus providing long lasting healing. Their resonance homeopathic remedies balance the energetic and physiological manifestations of the five elements of the body. They remind the body of optimal and pathogenic functions, thereby coxing it to adapt and reach Homeostasis.
·         Easily Obtained: - When compared to medical drugs which require a prescription, Biogetica’s natural remedies are easily obtained and are delivered right to your door step. Their Doctor’s are available around the clock to help you obtain the greatest efficacy of these remedies.
·         Greater Efficacy:  - Research has proven that herbal remedies have much greater efficacy than chemical drugs in the long run. They can also be used for treating a variety of ailments. For example Black Cumin aids in the treatment of gout, hepatitis, migraine and even diabetes.
Would you now choose chemical drugs over natural remedies? I think not!
By combining the marvels of modern science with ancient remedies our ancestors used, Biogetica’s remedies are state of the art and will take you from disease to ease…
Choose the natural, Safe and effective approach; Choose BIOGETICA!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Get relief from PCOS disorder with natural remedies

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome describes a combination of clinical and biological
features for which the cause still remains poorly understood. In simple words, the disorder affects
women of reproductive age (12 to 45 years) due to hormonal imbalance. The symptoms may include
irregularity in the menstrual cycle and difficulty in pregnancy. PCOS may further lead to unwanted
changes in appearance. Although it is not a life threatening disease, but it may seriously alter the
way you live. Over time, certain serious health problems like heart diseases and diabetes may follow.

PCOS affect one in every fifteen women. However, it can be checked at an early age and its
symptoms can be treated there on, thus preventing the severity of the disease. PCOS occurs due to
hormonal imbalance; the reasons for which are unknown. The sex hormones might get unbalanced,
leading to overproduction of androgen in females. This leads to failure in ovulation, acne and growth
of extra facial as well as body hair. The patient might also develop insulin resistance, which means
that she is not able to use insulin, hence causing an elevation in the blood sugar level. Over the time,
it can also cause diabetes in the patient.

Biogetica has come up with outstanding and reliable PCOS natural therapeutic products which
combines the most ancient as well as modern medicines to address this disease. The PCOS natural
therapeutic remedial products provide the body with nutrition and herbs which balance out the 5
functional elements of the body. The multidisciplinary kit from Biogetica targets physical, emotional
and energetic root of the issue. The deliverance kit is known to be a special combination of
renowned and time tested herbs and natural homeopathic remedies which balances the hormonal
level, dissolves ovarian cysts, restore ovulation, restore menstrual cycle and helps to cure PCOS
naturally along with its associated symptoms.

Biogetica kit assists in reducing the androgen level in the body thereby aiding in establishing normal
ovulatory cycles. With a team of experienced Doctors, Biogetica offers a thorough consultation
online to help you clear all your doubts before deciding to opt for a natural and safe way of
addressing PCOS. The kit is delivered at your doorstep with a 120 day money back guarantee.

PCOS is a disease which hampers the normal life of a patient and with time, it
only gets severe. PCOS remedies from Biogetica help in natural healing effectively. The natural
therapeutic care for PCOS is beneficial and recognised. For those who prefer natural remedies for
PCOS, Biogetica kit is a boon.

Address Edema effectively with natural therapeutic remedies

Edema, formerly known as dropsy, is a condition when fluid accumulates in the
interstitium (the space between the skin and cavities of the body). This abnormal condition is
clinically visible as swelling. The swelling occurs due to fluid retention in body tissues. The hands,
ankles, arms, feet and legs are the common site of edema.

Edema is usually linked directly with the venous or lymphatic system. Edema can either be
generalized (all over the body) or localized (restricted to one place). Its occurrence can be subtle or
abrupt. The patient is able to recognize this condition generally due to sudden weight gain or waking
up with puffy eyes. There are a lot of patients who tend to ignore the situation and seek help from a
physician when the condition is too advanced. Among the many types of edema, the most common
are peripheral edema (pedal edema and edema in ankles, hands, arms and legs), cerebral edema
and edema in eyes (macular edema, periorbital edema, corneal edema etc.)

It is caused due to certain physiological and pathological reasons. Prolonged standing, physical
inactivity, post surgery, high altitudes, genes, heat combined with physical exertion, pregnancy,
menstruation, menopause, excessive salt intake, malnutrition, burns etc. are common physiological
reasons. Edema may also occur due to pathology in kidney, heart, lungs, liver, and pancreas or in
conditions like allergy, arthritis, thyroid, brain tumor and head injury. It may manifest itself in to
form of weight gain, stiffness in joints, swelling, shiny skin, aching body parts, raised pulse rate,
puffiness of the affected region, and hypertension among many.

Basically, edema is a symptom of a deeper root cause. It is more important to identify the reason
behind its occurrence and correct it to rectify the condition. Edema, if left unnoticed may cause
potential harm to the patient. For symptomatic relief and for relieving edema, drugs like diuretics,
Antiangiogenesis therapy, oxygen therapy and Lucentis are commonly prescribed. The patient is also
asked to cut salt consumption with food, lose weight, increase physical activity, avoid prolonged
sitting or standing, avoid exposure to extreme temperature and take massages. Alternatively,
the patient can also opt for herbal method for getting relief from edema. It is safe, and treats the
condition from its root. If left untreated, the condition can get severe. The oedematous area is prone
to infection. The blood vessels of the affected region can also lose the elasticity leading to poor
blood circulation.

Biogetica has launched an essential remedial kit with T13 EDM formula for aiding edema. The kit
is a trustworthy and effective source which combines the goodness of homeopathy and Ayurveda
with modern research products. The natural and herbal therapy helps in drainage of the body fluids
and prevents them from accumulating. The natural ingredients also assist in regularising the body
functions and prevent fluid retention. The formulation is risk free. In case the patients do not notice
any difference, the company also offers 100% money back guarantee.

 Edema is one of the most common medical conditions. Dealing with it does not come
easy. Biogetica kit has opened a new window of opportunity for the patients who are suffering with
the disorder. The herbal method of addressing edema is a boon for long time sufferers.

Natural healing remedies for Syphillis are available

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused due to infection, through abrasions in
the skin or mucous membrane with the organism Treponema palliidum. Most of the incidences
show the reason to be sexually acquired, but there are incidences when blood transfusion, kissing
or percutanoeus injury can also cause this disease. The foetus of affected mother is at high risk
to acquire this disease. The infection of syphilis may remain inconspicuous in the host for several
years; however, this may vary from a person to another. The infection might remain latent or clinical
features may appear.

The symptoms of syphilis usually appear after 14 to 28 days of infection. The primary lesion or
chancre develops at the site of infection. A dull red colour protuberance, which erodes to produces
an ulcer within a few days, is a typical feature of syphilis. The lymph node near the region also
becomes enlarged, discrete and rubbery allowing the patient to know something is wrong with
him. The ulcer may resolve by itself after a few days without any treatment, only to appear later in
some other region. Syphilis is severe stages may damage various other organs and can even lead to
hearing impairment and blindness. There might also be severe pain in joints. If the infection reaches
heart, angina, aortic aneurysm or heart failure might occur.

Treatment of Syphilis: Once diagnosed, syphilis can be simple to manage. However, the patient
should be careful to abstain from involving in any kind of sexual activity while he has contracted
syphilis. Treating syphilis can be simple and efficient if the patient demonstrates a responsible
attitude and follow some guidelines.

Biogetica offers an alternative remedial approach to this infectious disease which combines the
blend of many well known healing measures like Allopathy, modern biotechnology, quantum
physics along with the ancient healing systems like ayurveda, shamanism, Chinese medicine and
homeopathy. The unique and trustworthy holographic model offered by Biogetica is effective in
easing the physical, mental and emotional being of the patient. Biogetica works in absolute harmony
with nature and appeal to balance the forces of nature.

Biogetica kit of syphilis works in a number of ways:

• The nutritional and dietary supplements helps in boosting the immunity and provide
necessary nutrition to the cells
• Ayurvedic remedies are custom made for the patients and the herbs can help to balance the
basic 5 elements which control the functions of body.
• The resonance homeopathic can bring your body to the ideal homeostasis and remind it to
optimal functions.

The three formulas from Biogetica have different approach for address syphilis. Formula 1 contains
supplementary products with homeopathic remedies which are beneficial to the immune system.
Formula 2 is helpful in secondary stage of syphilis when generalized rash, lesions, fever and enlarged
lymph nodes occurs. Formula 3 contains natural products to boost the immune system.

A Biogetica kit is an extraordinary alternative approach for treating syphilis, keeping
the herbal treatment options under consideration. Addressing syphilis is easy and efficient with this

Natural Treatments and Remedies- Biogetica

Biogetica are one of the leaders in natural, homeopathic and bio-energetic remedies. Surgical options for treatment of all diseases are now available in the market and people also often choose surgery as they are not really aware of other alternatives for treatment. However, what if there is an alternative, an easier and healthier way to heal? Biogetica adopts a holistic approach to medicine that focuses less on cutting and more on all natural and herbal remedies of various health problems. 

Why choose Biogetica and go natural?

The company embodies the contemporary and ancient therapeutic technologies brought to you by doctors, researchers and healers. Biogetica offers alternative remedies to target even the most recalcitrant health problems.  Most of the natural remedies recommended are generally a combination of ayurveda, allopathy and homeopathic remedies, in addition to adopting yogic healing sciences, Chinese medicines and the modern biotechnology. Many problems and health issues that do not always have a permanent solution can be healed using these natural healing medications. The medicines and treatments suggested are minimally evasive and have reduced side effects. These remedies aim to address the root cause of the ailments in patients such as physical, mental and emotional causes, rather than just the external symptoms. Even severe and embarrassing issues will be discreetly dealt with and utmost confidentially is guaranteed. Constant research is conducted on innovative treatments for new as well as existing diseases. 

Treatment is offered to every individual regardless of financial status and economic standing. Discounted prices are also given on request.  The products are home delivered and no additional cost is charged. Satisfaction comes with the guarantee stamp. A provision to return products up to 120 days of purchase is available as a testament to the confidence Biogetica has on its products. The company and all their natural remedies are FDA compliant and manufactured in certified GMP labs

The entire rationale behind Biogetica’s remedies is to give freedom and new life to their patients by providing relief from disorders that continuously plague individuals even after opting for conventional modern treatments. All their products are tested and supported by trials. For example, their holistic and alternative approach to address the Herpes virus boosts the immune systems and acts as vaccines that subdue even the dormant herpes virus. Their clinical trials have yielded consistent results wherein there have been no persistent breakouts or repeat episodes for as long as 5 years after just 6 months of treatment.

Biogetica has found an alternative and holistic cure for issues like acne, anaemia, anti-aging, anxiety, arthritis, dental problems, depression, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, tonsillitis, syphilis, herpes, infertility and many more. All their treatments are comprehensive and competitively priced.